CETE Summer School 2018
Research in Technology Education: Methods, Approaches & Presenting
The CETE Summer School is a junior conference for young academics, founded by the DAAD. It offers the opportunity of professional exchange and networking as well as workshops about methods, approaches and presenting in the research field of technology education.
The CETE Summer School wants to connect cross-national as well as interdisciplinary researchers and young academics for an exchange. It opens up a research-oriented forum for the accounted research potential still growing number of junior scientists who deal with technology education and its benefit and impact.
The international summer school is organised for young academics as well as students and all who are interested.
There is no conference fee.
Call for Papers
Deadline: 31 May 2018
Junior scientists in the domains of Technology and Engineering Education are invited to learn about how to present their work in a professional way. Furthermore, they are invited to present and discuss their research work at the summer school. All contributions will be published in a peer-reviewed book (CETE Vol. 4).
Please send in an abstract (max. 3000 characters with additional bibliographical references). The participants are going to present their thesis in lectures of 45 minutes. A time frame of 25 minutes is scheduled for presenting and 20 minutes for discussion.
All submitted abstracts should contain the following information:
▪ Current state of research/context
▪ Scientific objectives
▪ Research questions
▪ Research design and methodology
▪ (Results)
Please send your abstract to summerschool(at)cete-net(dot)com
Please also register here.
Deadline: 31 May 2018
No conference fee!
Day 1 – How to present research work in a professional way
The Summer School starts with a keynote about Technology Education. The second half of the day will be structured in different workshops focusing on professional presentation of research work.
Day 2 – Presentation & Discussion of research work
The second day starts with a keynote about the balancing act between research in university, daily instructions in schools, and politics in education ministries. This day focuses on research work of excellent young academics. Several sessions offer the possibility for a cooperative exchange and presenting research projects and ideas. Experts in the field of Technology Education are going to attend each session and give advice if necessary.
You can download the current programme here.
Further Information
CETE and its summer school
The Center of Excellence for Technology Education (CETE) is supposed to open up more possibilities for the national and international scientific community. The exploration of Technology Education Processes ought to be boosted through joint research projects, Ph.D. exchanges, guest-lectures as well as international workshops and summer schools. Further, the work of excellent young academics in the research fields of technical sciences shall be supported by the network. Technology Education needs to develop competencies, promote talents and interests and hereby create positive identifications with technology in order to grant people's maturity in a technology orientated world and in order to render society's technological progress. Fulfilling these demands in the long run is the superior aim of the CETE network.
The CETE Summer School wants to connect cross-national as well as interdisciplinary researchers and young academics for an exchange. It opens up a research-oriented forum for the accounted research potential to the still growing number of junior scientists who deal with Technology and Engineering Education and its benefit and impact.
Research perspectives can be extended, specified and location independent cooperation can be initiated, through the interdisciplinary networking of scientists who deal with the topic empirically. The multidisciplinary exchange enables junior scientists to gather feedback and suggestions from different disciplinary perspectives. It contributes to embedding individual projects from the fields of teaching methodology and educational sciences in the overall context of empirical educational research. By doing this the organisation supports the visibility of joint research interests and research topics. It establishes a starting position for joint evaluations and future interdisciplinary and location independent research efforts of universities.